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It is well known that sexuality in men declines over the years but this decline has nothing to do prostate, although often carge the blame for this process. Ejaculations are somewhat less abundant and less powerful and frequent erections, but officials are often psychological (less curiosity and interest) and physical causes due to circulatory diseases (especially harmful to sexual response) or certain drugs that indirectly affect sexual potency. These drugs can encontarlos in treating hypertension, cholesterol, anxiolytics, anti-ulcer and particularly those generally used for the treatment of BPH (finasteride and tamsulosin). 


So if you find that your sex drive is not as it was and would like to retrieve, analyze before and is being medicated and that is what may be affecting. For each of these ailments sure there is a natural treatment that not only will not interfere with your sex life but even can be improved. 

A man with minimal health can perfectly maintain their potency until the end always do not fall into the routine and there is complicity with your partner. If your doctor tells you that things are age, better change doctors. 


If, knowing all this, devel improve sexual response, there are various natural ways: There are remedies generic plants to enhance your libido (Raja kama Huang-he) but ideally done with a blood test in estudiohormonal which will be an imbalance of different steroid hormones (testosterone, androsterone etc.) produced in the testes and other produced in the adrenal cortex. With the result of this analysis can be determined special and individual formula by combining various plants and hormones bio-identical from the plant world, restored soon potency of youth and as a side effect improve various diseases associated with aging (II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, muscular weakness, and osteoporosis). 


This study and hormonal treatment can also be applied with stunning effects in pre and post menopausal women, weight reduction and fat, eliminating hot flashes, vaginal discharge etc. .. Keep in mind that estrogens are protecting the wife against the above, so women who have been with a skinny guy his youth despite dietary excesses, when approaching menopause begin to gain weight despite diet and exercise, hormonal imbalance is responsible for this phenomenon and this now easily remedied.


4699 NW 199 St. Suite # 106

Miami Garden Fl. 33055

Good for the Prostate Health and healthy living! 
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