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In all my pages, I have highlighted the need to lower inflation prostate attacking the varied origin of it and avoiding the "biopsy" in the following study, by the University of San Diego in California, we can find the following: 

Study: University of California, San Diego 


In a study performed by the UCSD view more evidence linking the inflammatory reaction to the production of metastases. 


The study says verbatim and translated from the English) "Our findings suggest that promoting inflammation of the cancerous tissue, for example by prostate biopsies, may, ironically, boost production of metastasis..." 


Early tumors confined to the prostate can be treated, it is not over for metastases. 


This study was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, the US Army Medical Research and Material Command, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the Aventis-UICC Translational Cancer Research Fellowship, the Lopiccola Fellowship of the UCSD Moores Cancer Center, and the Life Science Research Fellowship . 


A detail from the article: 


inflammation may play a role in 

Metastasis of Prostate Cancer 


March 19, 2007 


Debra Kain 


Many might think that creating an immune response or stimulate the body's defenses against cancer is positive. Recent research from the School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) strongly suggests that inflammation associated with the development of tumors if you have a key relationship in the development of prostate cancer metastasis. 


The research was published online March 19 in anticipation of the publication in the journal Nature and identifies a mechanism triggering metastasis, which is the spread of cancer in the advanced stages of prostate cancer. The findings of Michael Karin, Ph.D. professor of pharmacology laboratory of Genetic Regulation and signal transduction of UCSD, and colleagues, can solve the puzzle of why it takes so long for cancer to metastasize, as well as what makes this happen. Moreover, this new contribution can lead to developing therapies antimetastasis. 


An important hipótisis in cancer research has been whether or not metastases are caused by genetic changes within the cancer cell itself. But this hypothesis does not explain why these metastases appear so late after the initial tumor. 


"Our findings suggest that ease inflammation of the cancerous tissue - for example performing prostate biopsies - ironically may accelerate the progression of metastasis," Karin said. "We have shown that proteins produced by inflammatory cells are the 'smoking gun' behind prostate cancer metastasis. The next step is to fully demonstrate the responsibility for them. 


This study, the result is quite logical, once again proves that avoid biopsy and reduce inflammation, natural methods, remains the best protocol to combat tumor metastases, in case it exists, BUT MORE : the continuous inflammation causes chronic prostatitis is not treated as other scientific studies, form the principal payment of a potential tumor is endowed, inflammation blocks defenses NK cells, preventing them from acting against precursor cells tumors, so although we have BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), we must not allow this to be associated with prostatitis, the symptoms are similar, the main difference is that in the latter, some added discomfort, burning, stinging appear and a more acute symptoms, when there is only hyperplasia. 

A natural treatments for this, add turmeric, propolis and grapefruit seed extract.


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Miami Garden Fl. 33055

Good for the Prostate Health and healthy living! 
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