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One of the tips that indicated to improve prostate problems is to reduce the intake of alcohol, especially in the form of liquor. 

In our society well seen drinking a glass, a beer, a headdress coffee or wine, and although everything in perspective can be "good" (maybe just right is none), it is known that alcohol it may entail certain risks for the prostate. Risks to consider if we have a prostate problem. 


Let's see: 


1º- One study, which included over 10, 000 men, found that those who drank a lot, or 50 grams of pure alcohol per day, the amount found in four glasses of hard liquor, five or more days of the week were more than twice as likely as those who drank less than develop what is known as high-grade prostate cancer. In contrast, there was no difference in the risk of prostate cancer among drinkers and those who drank moderately. 


2º- Alcohol is an irritant, such as coffee, tea or cola drinks. Alcohol irritates not only the stomach or other parts of the digestive system, also the prostate. Therefore, in cases of chronic prostatitis patients should avoid stressful situations and will split a soft diet avoiding coffee, irritating condiments and alcohol. 


3º- Regarding prostate infections, which can cause enlargement of this, the factors that influence the development or prostate infection are consumption of fat, or too much food rich in sugar and alcohol intake. 


So you know, if you want to take care of your prostate, do not drink. Especially if you have a problem. But if you drink, drink in moderation.









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Miami Garden Fl. 33055

Good for the Prostate Health and healthy living! 
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